Hotel Casa 1800 Sevilla


In Hoteles Casa 1800 we are following the recommendations and guidelines from the WHO (World Health Organization), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the rest of related organizations in order to guarantee the security of our workers and guests.

Our firm commitment with cleanliness and disinfection establish all the necessary protocols to accomplish the specific hygiene and security required in our usual operation which ensure the wellfare of all.

The highest priority of our properties combines, one one side, an exquisite work upon the protocols management and, in the other, the care and affection that characterizes us, with anyone who may visit our hotels, providing a safe service and allowing to enjoy the unique atmosphere that we offer, once you walk through our doors.

Updated information

Links of the main institutions, with updated information of COVID-19:

Because in Casa 1800 we monitor to ensure a safe environment for our guests and staff

We are glad to inform you about the new security measures applied, in order to offer the best service in a completely safe environment, something essential for us in pursuit of offering the best 1800 experience:

  • The hotel will have, in all the common areas, hydroalcoholic solution ready to be used whenever is necessary
  • It is highly recommended to use hydroalcoholic solution after using the coffee machine or the elevator.
  • We have new protocols for cleaning and disinfection of all the areas of the hotel, rooms, common areas and internal areas.
  • We have new protocols for the correct disinfection and treatment of water in both swimming pools and Jacuzzis.

We have everything ready for you to enjoy your stay with all the actual security meassures guaranteed. Reserve, stay and ENJOY, we take care of the rest.